Главная - Текст песни Joy Division — The Kill

Текст песни Joy Division — The Kill

Оригинальный текст и слова песни The Kill:

Moved in a hired car
and I find no way to run
Adds every moment longer
had no time for fun
Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

I had an impulse to clear it all away
I used the tactics — make everybody pay
Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

Oh I keep it all traded in
I’ve paid the graces there
No kidding, misuse —
no sign of blood

Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you
Yeah through it all
I kept my eyes on you
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

Я не нашёл путей к отступлению,
Растягивая каждый момент,
Не имея времени на шутки.
Просто было кое-что, что, я знал, придётся сделать,
Но всё это время я не спускал с тебя глаз.

У меня был импульс навести порядок,
Я использовал тактику, заставил всех заплатить.
Просто было кое-что, что, я знал, придётся сделать,
Но всё это время я не спускал с тебя глаз.

Я сделал всё чисто —
Я выплатил милостыни
Не королям злоупотребления,
Не продавцам плоти.
Просто было кое-что, что, я знал, придётся сделать,
Но всё это время я не спускал с тебя глаз.
Да, всё это время я не спускал с тебя глаз.
Но всё это время я не спускал с тебя глаз.

Перевод текста песни The Kill исполнителя Joy Division:

Moved in a hired car
and I find no way to run
Adds every moment longer
had no time for fun
Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

I had an impulse to clear it all away
I used the tactics — make everybody pay
Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

Oh I keep it all traded in
I’ve paid the graces there
No kidding, misuse —
no sign of blood

Just something that I knew I had to do
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you
Yeah through it all
I kept my eyes on you
But through it all
I kept my eyes on you

I did not find escape routes,
Stretching every moment,
Not having time for jokes.
It was just something that I knew I would have to do,
But all this time I kept my eye on you.

I had the impulse to bring order,
I used the tactic made everyone pay.
It was just something that I knew I would have to do,
But all this time I kept my eye on you.

I did everything clean —
I paid alms
Do not abuse the kings,
Sellers are not of the flesh.
It was just something that I knew I would have to do,
But all this time I kept my eye on you.
Yes, all this time I kept my eye on you.
But all this time I kept my eye on you.

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